The Magical AI!

A YouTuber cum developer going by the name Denis Shiryaev has shared his amazing work on Reddit this week. The video he used was a French short documentary – L’arrivée d’un train en gare de La Ciotat. This short video was of a train approaching Ciotat Station and people readying themselves to hop in. Lack of motion picture at that time made this video typical and infamous among viewers, where it was seen as a real train coming towards them. But this YouTuber’s work of upscaling is something cool. AI functionality in video modification has many possibilities. Denis didn’t reveal much about how he actually did it. While he claims to be using several neural networks, it’s unclear which variants specifically. While assumes it to be Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), the same tech enabling Nvidia’s FaceGAN. While tuning this, Denis may have used relevant audio effects to make this more realistic. This resulted in the video of two hundred old videos into a cool 4K (60 FPS) version video! Reddit community has responded with several appreciation and theories of how he did it, which are worth reading.

A YouTuber Turned an 1896 Video into 4K  60 FPS  Video with AI - 87A YouTuber Turned an 1896 Video into 4K  60 FPS  Video with AI - 52