The Chinese variant, also available for everyone, is free of ads and receives one security update every month as an enterprise variant. Adobe saw this as a violation of their copyright and used a DMCA notice to takedown the installer repository.
Adobe Flash is Still Live
Flash, the multimedia software used by various video, audio, and game companies to run their content on the web in the early days was no more. Adobe is trying to call off this project since 2012 and finally did in January this year. The reason is simple – it’s just outdated and needs to be dumped. As there are better technologies now to run the same content on the web, the maker decided to wrap up the project for good. But, there are several fans who still wanted Flash to continue operating, as it played a key role in their childhood internet days. Also Read- Best Adobe Flash Player Alternatives And one among them is darktohka, a Chinese guy who developed a Clean Flash Installer for everyone, free of cost and adware. The actual Flash software from Adobe has a Flash Helper system embedded in it, with which it runs ads on users’ PC. But the Flash version from darktohka has Flash Helper removed, thus no ads. Yet, security companies consider it to be malicious. It was available in (China) for everyone, maintained by Zhong Cheng Network, the only authorized distributor of Flash in China. While this is a happy moment for Flash fans, Adobe isn’t liking it that much. The maker used a DMCA notice to takedown the installer from GitHub, as it found it to be infringing their copyrights. darktohka responded to this saying,