Once you have effective training needs analysis program in practice, your training will get you the details related to everything. You would get to know how efficiently and effectively the employees are doing and how powerful the training is to empower the employees. Once you evaluate your training, you get to know if it is going towards a constructive side or not. in case you are already caught up in so much of work and you are thinking of skipping this analysis level then you are wrong. Don’t mess with this because it decides many other factors for the long run.

Factors to Consider during Training and analysis

There are various reasons that you have to look for such an evaluation. You cannot take any chance with the progress, productivity and effectiveness of your works and employees.  But there are some important points that you must keep in mind while doing analysis and undertaking training. Have a look below:

1 Factors to Consider during Training and analysis 2 Teaching correct skills to wrong fellows 3 Teaching the correct employees, the Wrong set of skills 4 To teach correct skills in the wrong manner 5 Is analysis an answer?6 Conclusion

Teaching correct

skills to wrong fellows

To know your employees is the finest way to evade redundancy in training. Hence starting with what you already know is a reasonable method while filling in the blanks with requirement analysis.  In the absence of training analysis, you can expect to see other projects getting suffered because of the attention of employees getting taken up by unnecessary training. The staff members who are pushed or forced to relearn the data might get bored and stressed, allowing their work to suffers as well. You require finding out the difference between professionals and trainee learners.

Teaching the correct

employees, the Wrong set of skills

You could be finding it decent to teach all the employees and staff members in your business all the skills to cover the bases right? But you know it is too time-consuming and equally unproductive.   If you will try to fit all the employees in a single size, it won’t be much productive. For example, if someone in the sales team has to do with the documentation and the other one with the field work; but you are even teaching the cold calling techniques.  It would be a waste of their time, and energy. Similarly, if you are teaching the things that your employees already know will only make them feel as if they are getting talked down and as if you do not really know their jobs sufficiently to understand what skills and expertise they already possess. It is also vital to evade any type of shallow requirement analysis. It means a simple survey of managers and employees to find out what expertise they require, it is not adequate. Similarly, there is no need to start placing together training plans that are based on apparent training needs. The result would be that these Training programs are not at all based on a proper needs assessment, and hence they are highly unsuccessful. 

To teach correct skills in the wrong manner

Though training is a good tool to address various problems and skill gaps within a company, it is not always the solution. Many times, training is thrown at a problem once it has already gotten critical.   You should find out if the practice of training is the best option by asking yourself questions such as:

What is the real issue that is going to be solved by the training?What are the reasons of problems and are these actually being formed up external or internal forces?In which manners the training would address these causes?Did you earlier perform or organized any training? If yes, how were the outcomes?If there was a training program earlier too; why did it fail and what were the causes?Is there anything present already that you might utilize to rectify such an issue?

If you have made up your mind to conduct training, there still remain questions that have to be answered to search out about what type of training is going to be most effective. Most of the time it is perfect to have training for your employees and if you do the needed analysis; you might do the training part in a much effective and powerful manner.

Is analysis an


Yes, it is. When you analyze your training program, you would equip it with the necessary ingredients. You make sure that the program pervades the needed skills and knowledge in the candidates. You can give a particular shape to all the staff members. And since you have already examined your training program, you might be at peace too. You would know about the outcomes that you can expect. In case there are any shortcomings in the training program, you can adapt it and take the essential steps. Such are the steps that would work effectively for strengthening the training program and get you the best results out of your training. When you put so much of effort and time into your training programs; they have to be effective and good.


So, practicing a training needs analysis program would ensure that your training programs never go waste and get you the best results.  Once the training programs are effective, the learners would learn in an effective manner and understand the concepts in a proper way. The analysis would let you know about the areas where you lack and where you are doing well. Hence, you can definitely ensure that the training program you organize is effective, powerful and result oriented.