In this article, I have gathered the most important points to consider and will explain to you how to pick an AngularJS development company. There is a kind of list of rules that will allow you to make the right choice. How to check the reliability of the developer? What to consider when choosing a developer? What requirements must a quality development team meet? You will find the answer to all these questions in this article. When you first meet with the AngularJS development team, it is very important to immediately find out the points related to the strategy of this company. Ask all the key questions about project development, because this knowledge will help you find the perfect developer company. What you need to know:

What is the cost of the company’s services?Do they offer a full range of online business development services?What is the reputation of the company, who are its clients, portfolio?what is included in the Development Agreement (and what is not)?

Here are some important “pricing” questions to ask developers at the beginning:

What team members will work on your project and what are their qualifications?How long will they be involved in your project?Do they provide an accurate assessment of the project that meets all the points of the contract?Does the cost of the project coincide with the agreed delivery deadlines and hourly rate?Whether there is a clear procedure for billing for additional features or work that were not included in the contract from the beginning?What is your area of ​​responsibility that is required from you?

Existence of complex functionality of works

It is important to find an AngularJS company that can implement a project from scratch and provide a complete development cycle, from planning, design, programming and promoting it online. Be sure to ask:

Are they able to provide a full range of web design, development and promotion services at the highest level?Do they have experience in SEO and success in bringing customers to the top of Google / Yandex?Do they provide copywriting services that allow you to create quality content for both the site and the social network?

Project teamDeveloping a successful website requires a qualified, professional AngularJS team and accomplishing some specific tasks.

The following should be involved in the development of your project:

a team led by an experienced project manager who ensures a successful outcomeusability specialist who designs the architecture of the site pages (for a high level of resource conversion and convenience of users)designers to create a creative site concept and reproduce design layoutsweb developers for layout and programmingtester to check the operability and usability of created application or webpage

Experience of the AngularJS development company

Make sure that the AngularJS company is experienced and really able to create  not just a website for you, but an effective resource that will bring results and pay off your investment. Before choosing a company, ask potential contractors the following questions:

What clients did they work with?What was the result of their cooperation?Do they have previous clients that can confirm the results of this cooperation?Do they continue to work with clients on an ongoing basis?

Contract for app developmentOnce you have evaluated the AngularJS company’s pricing policy, its qualifications, reputation and development team, it comes down to the contract.

Your app development contract is an essential document. By reading it, you can learn a lot about the developer you have to work with:

Do the agreements you enter into with this company provide that the development will be carried out due to the industry standards and that the work will meet your needs?Are you the owner of the work done? Do you have access to it?Does the agreement contain information on the obligations of both sides, including deadlines and results?

A detailed contract helps to eliminate uncertainty, contains all the information about the services and the results that will be provided. Here are some important points of the agreement that will be the beginning of a long-term relationship with the client:

Terms of the agreement: details of the legal and financial terms of the project;Scope of work: must be set out in detail, specifically and unambiguously. Execution of works must have specific deadlines. Each stage of the project must have its own schedule;Project execution time: make sure that each stage of development will be done in time;Payment Schedule: Look for a company that is willing to provide a payment schedule that is logical and appropriate for both sides.

In my opinion, the most suitable way to pick an AngularJS development company is to outsource them.

How to start outsourcing?

Your project starts long before you open the browser, looking for a company – it starts firstly in your head. So, you need to understand clearly what you have and what you want. And this process includes:

Defining the company’s current resources: do you have a website? pages in social networks? infographics or quality photos that you can use in a new website or app?Awareness of the goal: do you need someone who will just make a business website? Maybe you need just a product catalog? Or the whole application? It is important. The same applies to the content of a web product and the information that should be displayed on it. Specification is important for a new product.CMS selection. Every developer will convince you that the platform on which he works is the best. But be careful: some programmers create their own programming language that no other person in the world encodes. The most popular CMS are: Drupal, WordPress, Joomla, TextPattern, etc. But I recommend you to choose developers who work with AngularJS.

Where to outsource the AngularJS team?

Have you decided what you need? You can start looking for the best developers to hire. The easiest way is to ask your acquaintances, especially if they already have or had outsourced employees. Networking is still one of the most important ways to find a good employee. But it doesn’t always work. So you should google companies or use special websites that offer the services of many Angular developers. In fact, the best are developers from Eastern Europe, especially Ukrainians – they are just in the middle between appropriate prices and really good quality. For example, there are such popular web worker outsourcing platforms: Upwork, Freelance, Elance, Dev, Brainstorage, where you can find good Angular programmers. Conclusion I hope that this article has motivated you to choose the AngularJS development company carefully and attentively. There are really a lot of talented teams that I can hardly say which one is the best. Follow the tips given in this article and good luck in finding just the perfect AngularJS team for you!